Core Faculty

Tessa Andrews, PhD

Co-Chair, Seminars & Workshops Committee
Associate Professor, Department of Genetics

Franklin College of Arts and Sciences
Departmental Profile

Areas of educational research: Professional Development; Conceptual and Skills Development; Teacher Knowledge and Practice; Sociocultural and Psychosocial Development

Levels of educational research: Undergraduate; Faculty

Norris Armstrong, PhD

Associate Professor, Department of Genetics
Franklin College of Arts and Sciences
Departmental Profile

Areas of educational research: Assessment; Curriculum and Instruction

Levels of educational research: Undergraduate

Kelly Black

Co-Chair, Contributions Committee
Academic Professional, Department of Mathematics

Franklin College of Arts and Sciences
Departmental Profile

Areas of educational research: Curriculum and Instruction

Levels of educational research: Undergraduate

Marguerite ‘Peggy’ Brickman, PhD

Josiah Meigs Distinguished Teaching Professor, Department of Plant Biology
Franklin College of Arts and Sciences
Departmental Profile

Areas of educational research: Assessment; Curriculum and Instruction; Professional Development; Motivation

Levels of educational research: Undergraduate

Erin Dolan, PhD

Georgia Athletic Association Professor of Innovative Science Education, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Franklin College of Arts and Sciences
Departmental Profile

Areas of educational research: Curriculum and Instruction; Professional Development; Motivation; Sociocultural and Psychosocial Development

Levels of educational research: Undergraduate

Logan Fiorella, PhD

Associate Professor, Department of Educational Psychology (Applied Cognition and Development)
College of Education
Departmental Profile

Areas of educational research: Conceptual and Skills Development; Metacognition

Levels of educational research: K-12

Tim Foutz, PhD

Meigs Distinguished Teaching Professor, School of Environmental, Civil, Agricultural, and Mechanical Engineering
College of Engineering
Departmental Profile

Areas of educational research: Assessment; Curriculum and Instruction; Professional Development; Motivation; Outreach; Conceptual and Skills Development; Teacher Knowledge and Practice

Levels of educational research: K-12; Undergraduate

V. Thom Gaddy, PhD

Co-Chair, Contributions Committee
Associate Professor of Cellular Biology

AU/UGA Medical Partnership
Departmental Profile

Areas of educational research: Assessment; Curriculum and Instruction

Levels of educational research: Medical Education

Nathaniel Hunsu, PhD

Assistant Professor, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
College of Engineering
Departmental Profile

Areas of educational research: Engagement; Motivation; Conceptual change; Cognitive skill development; Metacognition

Levels of educational research: Graduate

Jin Kyu Lee, PhD

Lecturer, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Franklin College of Arts and Sciences
Departmental Profile

Areas of educational research: Motivation

Levels of educational research: Undergraduate

Paula Lemons, PhD

Professor, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Franklin College of Arts and Sciences
Departmental Profile

Areas of educational research:Assessment; Curriculum and Instruction; Professional Development; Conceptual and Skills Development; Teacher Knowledge and Practice

Levels of educational research: Undergraduate; Faculty

Julie A. Luft, PhD

Athletics Association Professor, Department of Mathematics and Science Education
College of Education
Departmental Profile

Areas of educational research: Curriculum and Instruction; Professional Development; Outreach; Teacher Knowledge and Practice

Levels of educational research: K-12; Undergraduate; Faculty

Ania Majewska, PhD

Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology and Pharmacology
College of Veterinary Medicine
Departmental Profile

Areas of educational research: Motivation; Metacognition; Curriculum and Instruction

Levels of educational research: Undergraduate, Veterinary Education

Amy E. Medlock, PhD

Co-Chair, Membership and By-Laws Committee
Associate Professor, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Franklin College of Arts and Sciences
Departmental Profile

Areas of educational research: Curriculum and Instruction; Motivation; Outreach

Levels of educational research: Undergraduate; Medical Education

Kristen Miller, PhD

Director of Biological Sciences, Division of Biological Sciences
Franklin College of Arts and Sciences
Departmental Profile

Areas of educational research: Curriculum and Instruction; Professional Development

Levels of educational research: Undergraduate; Graduate

Maria Navarro, PhD

Professor, Department of Agricultural Leadership, Education & Communication
College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences
Departmental Profile

Areas of educational research: Curriculum and Instruction; Professional Development; Motivation

Levels of educational research: Undergraduate

Dax Ovid, PhD

Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology and Pharmacology
College of Veterinary Medicine

Areas of educational research: Assessment; Curriculum and Instruction; Professional Development; Outreach

Levels of educational research: Undergraduate; Graduate; Medical Education; Veterinary Education

Ramana M. Pidaparti, PhD

Professor, School of Environmental, Civil, Agricultural, and Mechanical Engineering
College of Engineering
Departmental Profile

Areas of educational research: Curriculum and Instruction; Motivation; Outreach; Conceptual and Skills Development

Levels of educational research: K-12; Undergraduate; Graduate

Simon Platt, BVM&S, MRCVS, DACVIM (Neurology), DECVN

Professor, Small Animal Medicine & Surgery
College of Veterinary Medicine
Departmental Profile

Areas of educational research: Curriculum and Instruction

Levels of educational research: Veterinary Education

Emily Rosenzweig, PhD

Co-Chair, Seminars & Workshops Committee
Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Psychology

Mary Frances Early College of Education
Departmental Profile

Areas of educational research: Engagement; Motivation

Levels of educational research: K-12;Undergraduate

Tatiane Russo-Tait, PhD

Assistant Professor, Department of Cellular Biology
Franklin College of Arts and Sciences
Departmental Profile

Areas of educational research: Professional Development; Sociocultural and Psychosocial Development; Teacher Knowledge and Practice; Equity in STEM

Levels of educational research: Faculty

Miriam Segura-Totten, PhD

Professor, Biology
University of North Georgia
Departmental Profile

Areas of educational research: Curriculum and Instruction; Conceptual and Skills development

Levels of educational research: Undergraduate

Julie Stanton, PhD

Co-Chair, Membership and By-Laws Committee
Associate Professor, Department of Cellular Biology

Franklin College of Arts and Sciences
Departmental Profile

Areas of educational research: Sociocultural and Psychosocial Development; Metacognition

Levels of educational research: Undergraduate

Nandana Weliweriya, PhD

Assistant Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy
Franklin College of Arts and Sciences
Departmental Profile

Areas of educational research: Conceptual and Skills Development; Metacognition

Levels of educational research: Undergraduate

Craig Wiegert, PhD

Associate Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy
Franklin College of Arts and Sciences
Departmental Profile

Areas of educational research: Assessment; Curriculum and Instruction; Conceptual and Skills Development

Levels of educational research: Undergraduate