

Tessa Andrews, PhD

Josiah Meigs Distinguished Teaching Professor

Department of Genetics
Franklin College of Arts and Sciences
Departmental Profile

Areas of educational research: Professional Development; Conceptual and Skills Development; Teacher Knowledge and Practice; Sociocultural and Psychosocial Development

Levels of educational research: Undergraduate; Faculty

Executive Committee

Lexie Cooper
Co-Chair, Seminar & Workshops Committee

Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Franklin College of Arts and Sciences
Departmental Profile

Areas of educational research: Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) in Course-based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CUREs)

Levels of educational research: Undergraduate

Emily Rosenweig, PhD
Co-Chair, Seminar & Workshops Committee

Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Psychology
Mary Frances Early College of Education
Departmental Profile

Areas of educational research: Engagement; Motivation

Levels of educational research: K-12;Undergraduate

V. Thom Gaddy, PhD
Co-Chair, Contributions Committee

Associate Professor of Cellular Biology
AU/UGA Medical Partnership
Departmental Profile

Areas of educational research: Assessment; Curriculum and Instruction

Levels of educational research: Medical Education

Dax Ovid, PhD
Co-Chair, Membership & By-Laws Committee

Assistant Professor, Physiology & Pharmacology | Institute for Women’s Studies Affiliate
College of Veterinary Medicine
Departmental Profile

Areas of educational research: Non-content instructor language, Pre-health and professional student experiences, Science communication

Levels of educational research: Undergraduate; Graduate; Faculty

Julie Stanton, PhD
Co-Chair, Membership & By-Laws Committee

Associate Professor, Department of Cellular Biology
Franklin College of Arts and Sciences
Departmental Profile

Areas of educational research: Sociocultural and Psychosocial Development; Metacognition

Levels of educational research: Undergraduate

Alex Waugh
Co-Chair, Graduate Student and Post-doc Committee

PhD Candidate, Department of Genetics
Franklin College of Arts and Sciences
Departmental Profile

Areas of educational research: fire ant “social supergene,” early-career biology instructor knowledge development

Levels of educational research: Faculty

C.J. Zajic
Co-Chair, Graduate Student and Post-doc Committee

Graduate Research Associate, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Franklin College of Arts and Sciences
Departmental Profile

Areas of educational research: Undergraduate Research Experiences (UREs), Lab Talk

Levels of educational research: Undergraduates, Graduate Students

The SEER Center is part of Owens Institute for Behavioral Research.

Direct questions about OIBR assistance to:

Andrea Horsman

Owens Institute for Behavioral Research
Outreach and Communications Manager