About DeLTA

DeLTA aims to shift undergraduate education from the status quo toward new core commitments. DeLTA works with more than 100 faculty and administrators at multiple levels of the University of Georgia, including courses, departments, and the institution. In addition to pursuing change, DeLTA will generate new knowledge on change in higher education that can be applied by other institutions.

DeLTA Pursues Five Core Commitments

1. Design educational experiences to achieve clear and measurable learning outcomes

2. Base education decisions on evidence, including students’ conceptions, capabilities, and attitudes

3. Actively collaborate and communicate about undergraduate education

4. Foster continuous teaching improvement

5. Promote inclusion and diversity

DeLTA’s Structure

Recent DeLTA project accomplishments:

  •  DeLTA provided much-needed infrastructure and resources for 51 faculty teaching >8,000 undergraduates per semester in online, hybrid, and hyflex instruction during the pandemic.
  • DeLTA faculty teams discussed the role of race in STEM classrooms, including collaborating with the Office of Institutional Research to check for grading inequities by race and gender. 
  • DeLTA convened 13 STEM department heads and school chairs in piloting new and improved strategies for teaching evaluation, including peer evaluation and instructor self-reflection, which are already impacting >120 faculty.
  • DeLTA collaborated with faculty and administrators across campus to shepherd the approval of an improved teaching evaluation policy by the University Curriculum Committee (i.e., Academic Affairs Policy Statement No. 23, Improvement and Documentation of Teaching Effectiveness), which will move to the University Council in the fall.
  • Other universities are learning about DeLTA’s work and accomplishments from our article published in Change magazine and from talks at the Association of American Universities STEM Chairs Workshop and the Accelerating Systemic Change in STEM Higher Education Virtual Conference.

DeLTA Team

Malcolm Adams

Tessa Andrews

Robert Baffour

Kel Black

Peggy Brickman

Mellinda Craig

Erin Dolan

Sue Ellenberger

Hannah Ericson

Shelby Funk

Paula Lemons

Julie Luft

Gretchen King

Sheryl Meskin

Patricia Moore

Craig Wiegert

Support for this work was provided by the National Science Foundation’s Improving Undergraduate STEM (IUSE) program under award 1821023. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.