Membership Application

Thank you for your interest in joining the University of Georgia SEER Center.

There are two levels of membership:

1) Core Faculty

2) Affiliate members

All members can hold either full or adjunct appointments at UGA. Each level of membership is listed and described below.


Core Faculty

Core Faculty are engaged in STEM education research by pursuing extramural funding and/or publishing in peer-reviewed journals. Specifically, core faculty have demonstrated success in extramural funding and/or publication of STEM education research within the past five years. Alternatively, core faculty have an appointment that carries with it the expectation for funding and publication in STEM education research. Core faculty contribute to the Center by (1) attending most Center activities (2) leading or assisting in the leadership of Center activities, and (3) for grants that involve collaborative efforts of SEER Center members, generating IDC returns for the Center, on a grant-by-grant basis as negotiated with their department heads or Deans.  Core faculty can hold either full or adjunct appointments at UGA.

To apply to be a Core member of the Center, interested faculty members can fill out the application below. Candidates for Core membership may be invited to give a seminar on their educational research.

The membership and by-laws committee will review Core faculty membership applications on a rolling basis, approximately once a month.

**Membership lists will be reviewed every two years and Core or Affiliate members that are no longer interested in membership in the Center will be removed from the website and listserv.  In order to rejoin the member will need to reapply via the website.**


Affiliate members are faculty, staff, postdocs, graduate, and undergraduate students who are interested in STEM education research, or who engage in STEM education research. Affiliates can contribute to the SEER Center by attending activities, leading activities, and by allowing education research to be conducted in their classes and/or trying new classroom practices for which efficacy has been empirically demonstrated. There is no expectation of IDC returns from affiliates.

The membership and by-laws committee will review membership applications on a rolling basis, approximately once a month.

**Overall membership lists will be reviewed every two years and Core or Affiliate members that are no longer interested in membership in the Center will be removed from the website and listserv.  In order to rejoin the member will need to reapply via the website.**